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Do you have an idea for a volume?

The Society welcomes proposals for future publications. Whether you have a tentative suggestion or a firm proposal, please contact the Honorary Secretary

We are particularly keen to publish volumes covering either the 17th Century or the post-1945 period.

Proposals will be considered carefully by the Council.

The Council takes into account a number of factors in making its decision. These include the novelty of the proposal, its potential popularity with members, and whether it complements our existing publications. However the overriding consideration is the historical merit of the potential volume.

As you can see from our previous publications, we have tended to publish contemporaneous accounts such as letters, journals and diaries rather than retrospective materials such as memoirs. We also have preference for personal papers rather than official documents. This said, the Society is very open-minded and welcomes proposals that do not necessarily match our earlier work.

Membership administration: Heritage House, PO Box 21, Baldock, Hertfordshire, SG7 5SH 
Tel. 01462-896688   Fax. 01462-896677    Email: ars@hall-mccartney.co.uk